3 Natural Materials That Can Strengthen the Connection Between Your Home and Nature

With a massive trend towards sustainability and designing/ building homes that will positively impact our environment, there are several different materials that you can opt for when considering your next purchase. Over the last year, we have all spent more time in our homes than we might have ever.

Incorporating organic and natural materials into your home is not only good for the environment but is great for our mental health and feeling more of a connection to nature when at home. In this blog, we outline our favourite organic and natural materials to use in a build to strengthen the connection between your home and nature. 

Wood is incredibly durable and timeless and will be one of your biggest assets when designing and building an eco-home or simply adding more natural materials to your interiors. Try and look for natural and untreated wood to ensure the wood you are using has not been treated with any harmful materials. Some simple ways to add timber and natural wood into your home are through your dining or coffee table, sideboards, mirrors, or even lamps. If you are going for a more extensive renovation, look to incorporate timber in the hardware, staircase, cupboards, and even your bathroom. When buying your timber, it’s important to remember that trees absorb carbon dioxide; however, these gases are contained in the wood when cut down. Therefore, when choosing your wood, opt for timbers where no re-planting occurs. 

Jute is 100% biodegradable and is a natural fibre derived from plants. After the surge of materials like plastic in homes in the 80s, jute has managed to stand its ground through the decades, having a massive resurgence due to its resilience and durable material. Next time you’re searching for a new rug, consider going jute to enhance the richness of organic and natural materials in your home.

Linen is that material that gives any home that natural laid-back yet sophisticated and modern look. Linen has been around since early history, and just like jute made a massive resurgence due to its eco-credentials. Linen is made from the flax plant, making it an incredibly resilient material, and is a beautiful way to incorporate nature into your home in a soft and gentle way. You can incorporate linen into your home from your cushions, bedsheets, towels, napkins, and throws, to couches, chairs, and more significant items throughout your home.